Here at our salons, we believe that it is crucial to our clients, our staff, and our community that we are complying with the guidelines set in place by the Grey Bruce Public Health Unit for COVID 19 Prevention. We have paid close attention to the checklist provided to keep you and ourselves safe during the reopening phases for our province. Click Here to see a list of the safety protocols we have in place.
Please visit www.publichealthgreybruce.on.ca/COVID-19 to see the list provided for Nail Salons or call 519-376-9420 ext. 3000 if you have any questions regarding this information.
- Staff are advised to report illness to their supervisor/manager and to stay home if sick.
- Staff are screened for COVID-19 symptoms before starting each shift.
- If a staff becomes ill during the shift, they are advised to go home right away and self-isolate. Call telehealth/health care provider for guidance to get tested.
- Staff providing services use masks/face coverings for the duration of their shift.
- Masks are used properly and cleaned or discarded appropriately.
- Masks are changed when they become damp or soiled.
- PPE is available on-site for staff at all times, to use as needed.
- Staff are trained on the proper use of PPE
- Mandatory eye, nose, and mouth protection when servicing clients who cannot tolerate wearing a mask/face covering
- Eye protection is assigned to one staff and is cleaned and disinfected between each use.
- Staff are trained on proper hand hygiene
- Clients with COVID-19 symptoms and/or who have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 are not permitted to enter the premises.
- Floor stickers and physical distancing signage are available in high visibility areas to remind clients to keep two metres/six feet apart from others at all times.
- The number of staff and clients is restricted to ensure ease of movement and to maintain two metres/six feet between people.
- Clients are advised that they must use a mask/face covering for the duration of their appointments. For clients who cannot tolerate a mask/face covering, the appointment is scheduled for a time of day when there are no other clients onsite.
- Services to a client’s face are prohibited. (facials, facial hair grooming, eyebrow grooming etc.)
- Client appointments are scheduled by phone or online.
- Walk-in clients are asked to call from outside the premises to make an appointment.
- Waiting areas have been removed. Clients are instructed to wait outside of the premises until maximum 5-10 minutes before their scheduled appointment (exception, 1 guardian for minor’s with appointments).
- Clients are screened for COVID-19 symptoms by staff upon arrival for their appointment.
- Time between appointments to ensure thorough cleaning and disinfection of equipment and workstations.
- Workstations and equipment in use are two metres/six feet apart, or equipped with barriers/dividers that are adequate in height to ensure the protection between clients and staff.
- Plexiglass/barriers are used in the checkout area, when two metre/six foot distance cannot been maintained.
- Alcohol based hand sanitizer with a minimum of 70% alcohol concentration is available at each workstation, and staff and clients are encouraged to use it frequently.
- Clients are required to use Alcohol based hand sanitizer prior to and concluding receiving services.
- Workstations have their own products and tools, and are not shared between staff.
- Alcohol Based sanitizer is used before and after each cash transaction.
- Magazines, brochures, decors and other unnecessary items are removed.
- Frequent and thorough daily environmental cleaning and disinfection is maintained. This includes high touch surfaces such as phones, computers, pens, cash registers, credit card machines and door handles.