Phamily Enterprise

7 Beauty Tips about Honey

Did you know that honey isn’t just for toast and peanut butter sandwiches. Yes, you read that right! Honey, is an amazing natural substance that can be used for multiple concepts. Without a doubt honey is a natural healer, and of course tastes great. However, honey is undoubtedly proven to be a beautifier, while helping immensely with improving your skin.

Here are “7 Beauty Tips of Honey” that can be used in day-to-day life:

  • Dry Lips- Exfoliate your lips and apply a thin layer of raw honey before going to bed (making them soft and smooth)
  • Acne- Apply raw honey to the affected area and cover it with a bandage. (leave overnight and rinse with water the next morning)
  • Split Ends- Mixing honey with Olive oil; apply it to the dry ends of your hair. Letting it moisturize and rejuvenate the dry ends
  • Glowing Skin- one part raw honey with two parts Aloe Vera gel, before goin to bed (wake up with reduced blemished)
  • Lighten Hair- Mixing honey with Chamomile tea. Spray the mixture on your hair while using a shower cap to cover your hair
  • Scars- Applying a thin layer of raw, organic honey to the scar overnight. Helps in naturally healing the mark
  • Blackheads- Mix honey with lemon juice at bedtime. (It will help clear the blackheads and pores out)

Written by: Amber K