Phamily Enterprise

Benefits of Tanning

The benefits of tanning are limitless, taking advantage of using a tanning bed can actually be very beneficial for your overall health! According to scientific studies, sunlight boosts our mood, prevents a host of serious illnesses and has countless physical benefits. Indoor tanning beds offer the same benefits as the sun. The difference is that the environment is controlled with being inside. Tanning can be deemed healthy; due to the responsible use of the UV light. As it can be altered to match how much intake you receive (maximizing the sun’s benefits) while minimizing the risk of either too much or too little exposure!

Here are the 9 following benefits of tanning:

  • Vitamin D-Healthy Vitamin D levels are associated with significantly lowering the risks of most forms of cancer, heart disease, autoimmune and infectious diseases
  • Healthy Bone Structure- Your bones naturally break down, but thanks to Vitamin D – and other minerals – they recover.
  • Relief of pain-  It works as a pain reliever in case of rheumatism, arthritis and muscular pain.
  • Reduces Heart Disease-increased risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases is due to a lack of UVB Light, which leads to Vitamin D deficiency.
  • Feel Happy-he light boosts serotonin levels
  • Boost Immune System-it encourages the production of white blood cells, which in turn boost your immune system.
  • Treats skin Disorders-The use of UV Light in the medical field, also known as phototherapy, can help treat various forms of skin disorders, like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and vitiligo.
  • Help Lose Weight-Not only does serotonin help you feel happier but also assist you in managing your weight.
  • Prepare for summer-Skin exposed to a tanning machine’s UVA and UVB Light is more resistant to the sun’s rays. This improves the skin’s natural barrier function.

Written By-Amber K